A all in 1 worksheet, we have it laminated in our department so that they can be re-used - all the kids need is A4 paper and some basic equipment.
I have designed it to be used as either a cover lesson or filler lesson, as it can be taught and gone through by a specialist or non specialist but they will come out understanding the context of a product analysis.
PPT for engineering students with information about composites, GRP etc and activity for students to understand what order to complete the manufacture in.
Great for KS3 and KS4.
A single design challenge based around the construction of a GEODESIC dome using sweets and cocktail sticks.
The pp goes into detail about who invented/pioneered the domes then onto instructions (including a printable PDF for students to refer to).
(starter and plenary included)
I have a design project with design brief, specification, product analysis, and a designer link SCARED (using a designer link of your choice i have one attached, students are to used the SCARED worksheet to re-design it), finishing with the final design.
I also have attached the SCARED format worksheet to print for the students to assist.
This booklet is a support material for students undergoing the NEA aspect of the AQA GCSE Design and technology assessement.
I do not know if it will translate to other exam boards, but the layout is easily interchangeable if needed.
I have found this really helps any students who; are forgetful, persistent absence, like to get ahead and those that struggle for inspiration and ideas.
I have perfected this over the last 5 years and am very happy with the outcomes that i have gotten using it.
This is a reflection sheet for a prototyping task, I have used it for years 8, 9 and 10.
The idea is that students have the images of their prototype stuck to the sheet and then critically reflect on the successes and failures, what improvements can be made/ any adaptations etc.
There is a hints and tips section for any students who may struggle with writing the content.
Engineering worksheets for Cambridge Internationals Engineering LO2.
These help student fill out relevant information from teacher talk/independent research.
It helps to consolidate information really helps with differentiation and supporting lower ability students.
Worksheets to assist in the delivery of Cambridge National Engineering Manufacture.
LO1 a lot of the theory around materials.
The worksheets have sections for students to complete with teacher talk/independent research.
Can be used to help with course work and revision for exam.
I did these light/ lamp designs in a quick attempt to help my students with their designing, both how they present their work, thinking about angles and alterations.
I have also annotated one of the ideas with aspects that would support students with their GCSE NEA.
My Students have found it really useful as just a resource to get hits and tips from when they are typing up their coursework, as well as thinking about how they design.
The pack has 4 original design sheets with a singular theme but variations of, and 1 annotated design sheet.
This is a fully resources year 7 introductory project to woodwork, with theory, starters and plenaries.
It allows students to be creative and autonomous their designing and making, teaching key BASIC skills, making sure they are re-enforced and embeded. Making sure that the students focus on quality and finish, and not rushing (a big problem I find).
There are assessment points and print outs.
I have also attached the marksheets - we call them TIME TO IMPROVE sheets - quick way to show reflection and improvement. (i make them pink so its more obvious for on lookers).
Any questions about the project please ask.